Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Facebook Break

Social networking sites have become the quick, easy and relatively painless way to communicate personal information with many, a communication shotgun, if you will. One post and BANG! you've hit 100 people. The "keeping in touch with friends" aspect of Facebook has a huge appeal to me. I enjoy and appreciate the glimpses of their lives - adventures, senses of humor, social awareness raising efforts - dropping onto the screen in front of me, like so many ripe and ready to eat cherries. It's quick, simple and relatively painless.

Of course anyone who imbibes in FB or MySpace or Twitter also knows the flip side to the yummy cherries: the drivel, the seemingly random yet frighteningly targeted ads, the time-draining quizzes, and the "fluff, " that we neither want nor need. I think of these cherry counterparts as the trash that our kids bring home from the county fair - the crappy stuffed toys and plastic inflatables that always end up in the trash.

I've noticed of late that the shiny thrall of the Facebook sound byte has worn off. There are so many other things to do: work, family, creative projects, books, music, life in Real Time. All of these alternatives require more focus and energy yet also yield far greater and longer lasting positive results than a profile post that is like to be gone within 24 hours. As it turns out, sound bytes are fun for awhile and on occasion, but I'd like my relationships to delve deeper too.

My current profile post reads, "Martha Phelps will be taking a break from Facebook for awhile - maybe a week or two, maybe a year. Email me if you miss me too much: - or better yet, give me a call and let's take a walk." My break could be indefinite, or it could be periodic, since I still have a fourteen year old daughter to be "friends" with. Point is - I'm going to redirect myself for a spell.

What works - or doesn't about social networking in your life? Does it support you or get in your way? Drop me a sound byte - or much more.

PS Hat tip to the blog Evolution for the perfect profile post as well as the nudge I needed.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like we are on the same exact page! I am so proud of you for taking this step - for you. Enjoy this time of disconnection from cyberspace, take some time to connect to your living space, the Earth. So much love & positivity headed in your direction.
