Thursday, February 4, 2010

Words & Art

Has the moon been up there
All these nights
And I never noticed?

A whole week with my nose
To the ground, to the grind.

And the beloved faithfully
Returning each evening
As the moon.

Where have I been?
Who has abandoned whom?
Gregory Orr

Multimedia (Ink, pencil, pastel & collage) 16"x20"
Available for purchase.
"Moon" from How Beautiful the Beloved © Gregory Orr


  1. I love this -- I'm sure seeing it in person is even more wonderful.

  2. Shucks beautiful beautiful Moon rises this week over the island..wanted to share it with my friends alas my phone camera cannot capture its glory...One of the most beautiful Full Moons I have seen was Novembers super large full moon rising in Mcminnville Oregon...just glorious and bright and beautiful.
