Monday, February 1, 2010

A Second Taste

Happy February! Three weeks ago, I made the decision to start writing and posting a blog every week day for at least a year (and yes, I reserve the right to renegotiate this "contract" with myself." Let me just say, so far - this is both a very large commitment (that I may have been being far too romantic about) and an artistic surprise - in regard to what has shown up.

Understanding the magnitude of this blogging commitment is obvious: Writing daily is tough, but making it worth sharing with others is damned hard. Poet, William Stafford, when explaining how he managed to be so prolific, said: “Every day I get up and look out the window, and something occurs to me. Something always occurs to me. And if it doesn’t, I just lower my standards.” Clearly, I have a long way to go to even meet the lowest of Stafford’s standards, but with nothing to lose except my sense of humor and a creative heart that is aching to cut loose, I’m game to give it a go.

The surprise part is that -- what started out as a container for exploring some unusual changes and challenges in my life (a child with a cancer diagnosis, single parenting three kids, revamping a career into something that has yet to fully materialize) has become resistant to definition. For the time being, the art of sharing daily aka blogging is a practice in surrendering to the creative process. This is about accepting as well as trusting that, whether I’m posting a poem or a reflective essay on family or an image captured through my lens, I’m on the right track and all will be well.

In the past month, this blog page has published on several topics. Insights on the “new normal”  life we’re living at our house since my son was diagnosed with leukemia are shared in Too Revealing, At The Sound Of The Tone, “Please Drain Tub”, New Math, What NOT To Say To Someone With Cancer, and The Salt Shaker.

There are some more artistic posts including poetry, fiction and visuals, such as Everything Essential, Old Wounds, Peppers in the Wine Aisle, Exploring The World, Photo Share, and Words & Art.

And finally, I also write a bit about the actual blogging process and my local life in The Making of A Groove, Care To Comment? and "Oh My God...How Risky." 

I can’t make any promises about what this month’s posts will contain, but I can tell you that the more that I write - the more that shows up in my head looking for a way out.  

You can participate in this Untamed Life On Purpose, by leaving comments at the bottom of any post. Your insights and ideas are important - not just to me, but to others who may be following along. You can also subscribe to this blog via the widgets along the left side panel of the page, share on Facebook,Tweeter or email posts to friends. And please be sure to link back to your own site if you have one, because I want to support you, too!

"We write to taste life twice." ~ Anais Nin


  1. Thank you for inviting us along on the journey!

  2. The inspiration will come Martha a sight a thought a smell a glimpse of deja vu but each day the inspiration will come...keep the dream alive we all enjoy being in the caution to you is that don't lose sleep or rest thinking of what will I write next..let it happen and it will come to you...across the sea sending you food for thought humbly...aloha.
